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Challenge of the Week - St Edward's Children perform Poetry
Challenge of the Week - St Edward's Children Sing the Beatles
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St Edward's Catholic Primary School
Challenge of the Week - St Edward's Children perform Poetry
Year 5 performing 'The Highway Man' by Alfred Noyes
Year 5 performing 'The Highway Man' by Alfred Noyes
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Year 4 performing 'Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast by Charles Causley
Year 3 performing 'Daddy Fell into the Pond' by Alfred Noyes
Y6 Performing - The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll
Year 3 performing Cats Sleep Anywhere
Year 5 performing 'Jack and the Beanstalk' by Roald Dahl
Year 3 performing 'Cats Sleep Anywhere' by Eleanor Farjeon (1881-1965)